Thursday, June 14, 2007

So Cool & So Beautiful!

On the Blue Ridge Parkway of Virginia, My partner Cathy lives in that little house in the rear of the picture. We have between us: 10 dogs, 8 cats, 5 horses and 1 covered wagon! Are we happy?

Her we go walking the dogs (and ourselves!)

Coming back home, who took a behind picture?

The dogs are walking usat this point, who in world thought that would make a good picture?? That is the last time we let Kevin drag behind with a camera!!!

Cathy's littlest baby is Tadpole, born with several defects, destined to die quickly. She took him to her bosom and look in my arms, Tad is now over a year old!!! Dolly, of course, is with her father! There is no one like Papa to her!!!

It is so beautiful here, everything is so green! Here are Kevin & I before we started at Lancerlot, doing the weight room and swimming!

Dolly is almost lost when racing through the buttercups!

This Jewel, my sweet fairy pony girl, in the background you see the front half of Miss Thing,

Poppy, My percheron mare that pulls the covered wagon! Jewel is dapple grey and Poppy is actually white, Why do flies and bugs like white/light horses so much better than dark ones?

You have no idea what we spend on fly predators, natural spray, salve and we are trying so hard this year to avoid any pesticides!

My next post will have a picture of Jewel standing in front of Poppy so you can tell the difference in their sizes! It will crack you up!

I have almost finished Laura's Sun Ray Shawl and have done 6 wash clothes this week, as well as I am starting a cotton sock- I will make a pair, but they may not match, my claim to fame is that my socks never match! Laura is coming home today and tomorrow, Josh and Steph will be here Saturday for three days! They are driving 1600 miles (round trip) to see his Dad and Granddaddy on Father's Day.What a kid!

How did we ever get such nice looking kids?? And when did they get so large????