Sunday, September 30, 2007

How life changes!

It is amazing to me, how life can change in the blink of an eye!

I went to see my physician to get my refills for the year. They did blood work and within 3 hours my phone was ringing! I went back and they redid it, same result, I now have Type 2 diabetes. It changes everything. I have to eat differently, exercise differently, be more aware of my body and what goes into it, take another pill to help regulate it-- which I forgot again today- be right back!!

I have made a suggestion to about that they have a spinning, weaving, spindle page and let me author it. I have experience setting up websites, have been spinning for years, weaving happily along, and building spindles. I find in the great boom of yarn sales and back to knitting sales, it is amazing that they have nothing on spinning. There are many of us who make our own yarn! I could handle a web job and make the adjustments needed to handle my diabetes, whereas I could not go to work everyday at a "job".

Bear is coming to visit and will get to Laura's on Saturday. She is very excited and looking forward to her vacation! I think we will take them to the Home Place for dinner on Thursday, if they are up here. We took Heath, Ansti and Natasha to the Dogwood and she loved it, especially the blackberry cobbler!!

Eric has finally moved in with Josh, and we are looking forward to being able to handle life now! Perhaps, he will assist in finding the prodigal son a real job! He has a great job, financial investigator! I sure hope so, then we can actually look after ourselves for awhile. I have made some changes this year as regards the holidays; there will be no open house, no baking, no sugar in the house, I will make several small purses and have them available for anyone who shows up here, we will find a "tool" for the boys, if they come fine, if not, we will put away for another year! I am not begging anyone to come to our house, pick up their gifts, eat our food, nothing!

I may go to Laura's and have Christmas with her and then go to Florida and have Josh's birthday with him and then visit Tana for New Year's! I have been let down, frustrated and abandoned by my "family" for the last time, I am moving on. We plan to buy acreage in the spring and move out to the country: Tana, Heath, Laura and Josh will have the address!

I continue to spin and work up the fiber I have stored in the freezer, Kevin is beginning to complain! I have spun one bag of wool and one hand painted roving, I have three bags of mohair at Laura's for dying, one bag of wool there as well, and in the freezer: 4 bags of alpaca and llama, two more wool, and several angora! Laura and I have agreed to hand paint some and get it up to Meadows of Dan to the yarn/fiber shop--Greenberry House Yarns
to sell on consignment for the holidays! I continue to spin, have been doing some sewing of yarn bags, tote bags, working on learning the new embroidery machine Kevin got me, and knitting my little heart out, I realized the other day I had 4 pairs of socks started, so I put them in line and now one gets finished before the others get picked up again. I am still working on Laura's sweater and have not finished her Candlelight shawl or her Shetland Shawl. Wonder why all this knitting is for her?? Hmmmm........................