Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day, Knit- Night, Knit- and then it comes again!

I find that it appears that morning follows night, or does night follow day, which came first? I get them confused when I get into something, that is a wonderful part of not having to go to a job! If I decide to work all night kitting, or spinning, or making pendants, or beads, or just puttering, I can do that! I have to thank my dear husband for that priviledge, if he were not the farsighted man that he is, I would still be working for someone else. He has taken wonderful care of us, even tho he was gone for many, many years in the Navy. He looked ahead to when he would be home and we could be together and do our own thing, I thank him for that! I hear the brass cleaner rolling along in his room, and I look at themess in my area! He gave me new shelving units for Christmas, so I am going through everything and reorganizing, it looks horrid, but I am having a blast finding things I have not played with in years, and tiny little pictures I want to make into pendants for my Etsy store! I found about 500 antique post cards, seems Auntie had a real post card fetish, so I may steal an idea I saw and take images from them and make them into works of art. Well, it is not really stealing, because I am going to do something totally different, but I would not have thought to use the post cards, except for the ones I saw imaged on pendants.

I found pictures of my Uncles in the Navy in 1940 when I cleaned out the old chest. Colorized portraits of the old family members,and many black and white ones, even as big as 16X20 doneon cardboard! It was quite interesting!

Today I worked on making some spindles,Laura has started a knitting group at the Starbucks in Danville,and several of the members want to learn to spin, so we are making some wheel spindles for them to learn on,and will take some of our fiber from the Little Barn, Inc in Alabama, plug for Lewis and his wife! Great fiber guys! Laura dyed some mohair for me this past week and I finally got it dry, it is very cold here!

Our furnace keeps stopping and has to be reset. Timmy will fix itas soon as they get a new controller in for it. Meantimes, Kevin goes tothe dirt basement and resets the furnace so we can stay warm.

Sweet Pea is having a hard time, he got into something he is allergic to in Florida, and is biting himself til he bleeds. He is living on Benadryl and sedatives til this passes. Some guard dog, all he does is chew on himself, altho he did get it together to try to bite the furnace guys! As I write this, he is sound asleep on my down comforter on our bed, snoring!!!

Dolly is sweet as ever and right behind me all the time, we cooked some venison tenderloin tonight and could not chew it, so I put it in the crock pot to cook all night on low to make soup tomorrow. She thought we should give it to her instead! NOT!!

Does anyone have a great idea for something really cool that can be made with 290 yards of dk weight yarn? I have two skeins, one raspberry and one grey from Cestari--cotton, wool and silk blend, and want to make something special, but cannot figure what! Maybe a calorimetry, fingerless gloves and a muffler? It is very soft, and nice! It is made in Chester, Va. I like to shop local and handmade, am trying to do with much less, and putting a lot of my toys up for sale, as I feel burdened by all this 'stuff'! That doesn't mean yarn, of course, unless I have made it into something and it is ready to leave me. I do have a ton of cotton, and Laura took some I had dyed and made me the coolest muffler, combined with a cotton skein I had gotten to make place mats. Today I added a butterfly button, and look what it turned out to be!

Pretty cool, huh?