Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Sitting in my camper in Pensacola, with my bird, Zorro, and my pups, Sweet Pea and Dolly, listening to the rain on the roof. I finally found my mistake in my Islandic Shawl that I have been making for Tana forever now, and the white part is DONE!!!! Now I am going to embellish the white top edge and get on with the bottom lace. It will be done soon if it keeps raining! I am not going out, just hanging in here knitting, with no one around. Kevin went to the range yesterday and some guy gave him a huge bag of 30-30 brass! He was so excited and had such a good time. It is snowing in Virginia yesterday and today, so we are happy to be in Florida. I have not gone to my friends since I got back, just wanted to have peace and quiet and finish some knitting all alone, well, as alone as one can get with an African Grey who talks more than anyone in the family and 2 dogs. One who is afraid of rain and pants incessantly, even if I dope her, so I have given up on that! I hate doing it to her, but she is so freaky with noise. and sometimes riding in the car, we have yet to figure out what happened to change her from the girl who took on everyone and everthing to this neurotic pup, altho she has run up behind three 'men' and biten the back of their pants, and one groomer, she got her leg. Where did that behavior come from?
I am actually looking forward to going to Laura's next Monday, and hanging with her, I may let Kevin go on to Vinton and stay with her til she goes up on Friday for her class. I have missed my girl! I really want to dye some mohair and do some spinning, I have the itch for my wheel!
I started a Tudora out of my Malibrigo, too bored last night and could not sleep, so I got it out and was knitting int he dark by feel with K sleeping! I found one simple mistake this morning and it was easy to correct. I used to teach the blind to knit and crochet, so it was no big challenge for me to 'braille' the yarn and the pattern is so easy!
Time for more coffee and pills, catch ya later!